01.53 | Author:

ü Beberapa ungkapan yang bisa digunakan untuk membuat janji :
  •  Will you pick me up at 2 p.m. ? = maukah kau menjemputku jam 2 siang?
  • What if we go cycling on the car free day next Sunday? = bagaimana kalau kita pergi bersepeda pada hari bebas kendaraan Minggu depan?
  •  Will you go out with me tonight? = maukah kamu pergi denganku malam ini?
  •  What if we go swimming this afternoon? = bagaimana jika kita pergi berenang siang ini?
  •  I’ll go to your house at 3 p.m. Is it all right? = aku akan pergi ke rumahmu jam 3 sore. Apakah tidak apa-apa?

ü Beberapa ungkapan yang bisa digunakan untuk menerima janji :
  • O.K. I’ll be there on time = O.K. aku akan kesana tepat waktu
  •  No problem. I’m free on Sunday = tidak masalah. Aku tidak ada acara di hari Minggu.
  •  Sure. I love it = pasti. Aku suka itu
  •  Good idea = ide yang bagus

EXAMPLE of making and accepting an Appointment!

Daniella         : Cliff, what are you doing?
Cliff              : I’m finishing my homework.
Daniella         : Let’s see Aunt Michelle in the hospital.
Cliff              : I’m sorry, not now. I have to finish the homework and send it to Ms. Rita.
Daniella         : What about tomorrow afternoon at 4 p.m.?
Cliff              : Tomorrow afternoon at 4 p.m.? O.K.

The sentences in bold are used to make and accept an appointment.

ü Beberapa ungkapan untuk membatalkan janji :
  •  I’m sorry, I can’t meet you today. I have to see my dentist. Can we reschedule?
  •  We’re terribly sorry we have to cancel our appointment. Mr. Tanaka’s flight is delayed for two hours.
  •  I’m afraid I have to put off our appointment because I have an urgent bussiness to do.
  •  Sorry, I can’t meet you this weekend since I have another appointment.

EXAMPLE of canceling an Appointment!

Nirma  : Hi, Joe! Will you come to my house this afternoon at 2 p.m. ? We have to do our homework, remember?

Joe      : OMG! I forget it! I’m sorry, Nirma. I can’t go to your house this afternoon.

Nirma  : Well, that’s fine. May be we can reschedule it later.

Joe      : O.K. Thanks
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