01.36 | Author:
Teks procedure bertujuan menerangkan bagaimana membuat / melakukan sesuatu berdasarkan serangkaian langkah atau kegiatan.

1)    Aim/goal (tujuan) : dapat berupa judul
2)    Materials : bahan dan alat yang diperlukan. Namun, tidak semua teks prosedur memerlukan tahap ini. Bagian ini dapat diberi label “You’ll need”, “Ingredients”, atau “Supplies needed”
3)    Steps : langkah-langkah untuk melakukan kegiatan (teks prosedur). Bagian ini juga dapat diberi label “What to do”.

Ø Menggunakan simple present tense, biasanya berbentuk kalimat imperatif.
Ø Menggunakan kata hubung temporal, seperti first, second, then, next, finally.
Ø Menggunakan action verbs, seperti turn on, stir, cook.

    Example :
A Photo Fish Fun Frame
You’ll need :
*. A styrofoam tray
*. Coloured tissue paper
*. Any photograph
*. Glue stick
*. Varnish
Steps :
  •  Draw the fish on the tray and cut it out. The fish should be a little smaller than the photograph you want to frame.
  •  Cut different-coloured tissue paper into little pieces.
  •  Use a glue stick. Glue the pieces of tissue paper to the tray so that they overlap a little.
  •  Cover the fish cut out, which will serve as the frame’s stand.
  •   After you have covered the frame and the fish, varnish both.
  • Let the pieces dry, then glue the fish cut out to the back and use it to hold up the frame.
  •  Attach the photo to the back of the frame with sellotape. Pretty fish, isn’t it?
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